

A Sister's Vision

Just in time for Halloween... 
Once upon time there were two sisters Mamie Durieux and Mrs. Dan Patton.  Mamie had wondered off from the nursing home where she resided in her flannel night gown days before in the Chula Vista, California area.  Mrs. Dan Patton had discussed the disappearance with a friend, Mrs. Harry Craige, also of Tulsa.
In the night, a vision of canyon came to Mrs. Patton as to the location of her missing sister. S
he was convinced her sister would be found there. She called the sister's daughter (Mrs. Eva Fridlund of Otay Ranch near Chula Vista). 
A search was made and the woman was found, still wearing her robe and slippers, safely in the canyon has her sister had said.  She had survived by eating bamboo shoots and water from a jug.  
Although the story occurred in August of 1957, it is a suitable tale of the strange and the bizarre and perfect for Halloween.  It leaves one to wonder just how the information was communicated. Telepathy? Some strange sisterly bond? Who can say for sure?