


 Through out human history there have been periods in which a society advanced and moved away from long trusted belief systems, behaviors, and moral road maps. Everything "new" was questioned and held in suspicious regard. Change only brought chaos and uncertainty. Status-quo kept things conformed to what had always been and should always be.

"Little people", "Saint", "Angels", "Spirit Guides" or "Space Brothers" - humans appear to have always had times when they sought some power outside of themselves to vindicate a certain point of view. Often that was a plea to retain the old, sacred, tried and true ways. Sometimes it was to embrace a new vision of life and adopt new values and behaviors to improve life for everyone.  

The "Contactee Movement" of the late 1940's, the 1950's when they peaked, and even into the 1960's when they lingered appear to fit into that framework of being a response to the fear of technological changes brought by a world war, the atom bomb, and a new world where life moved at a hectic new pace and old ways were being shed like the skin of a snake.

Thus, motivated by fear, con artist greed and opportunity, and often simple spiritual and metaphysical beliefs, the people of Venus, Mars or "Clarion" came to call on simple Earth people to express messages of hope, of peace, and a call to repentance for evil ways and warring habits. They enlisted these people they identified as unique, the chosen ones, the messiahs of a technological age.

This quasi religious or spiritual aspect makes them unique - along with the strong presence of con artists in the mix - and suggests they are a separate phenomena from those who witness or experience other types of UFO or alien contact. One suggests other dimensions, spiritual systems and a response to changing society and the other suggests new technologies and potential non-terrestrial life forms.  The motives and methods of both suggest two totally different categories of human experience. 



 For some the found art in a backyard in Stroud, Oklahoma along Route 66 is a curiosity, a junk masterpiece, a bit of good ol' boy kitsch.  For others they see the link to the larger UFO and flying saucer mythos and cattle mutilation events as the inspiration. 

For the Stroud resident and author of SOONER SAUCERS: OKLAHOMA UFO'S FROM 1947 TO 1969 (Amazon 2020) and the upcoming SOONER SAUCERS. Vol. 2 (due out later this year) it is a reflection of the bizarre stories Marilyn A. Hudson has uncovered in her research and through stories shared with her for the book.

In fact, she has collected a growing list of sightings, experiences, and events all along Route 66. "I am always interested in more," she said in an interview. 

People through the decades have experience strange things all along the "Mother Road."  "I would like to hear from people with stories of sightings of objects, strange lights, and any really odd experiences cruising along the area of Route 66. "

The author has a "comment" form on her webpage, UFO SKIES (, where anyone can submit a story related to UFO's or odd events along Route 66.  "If a person does not want me to use their name just give me some initials. I will want details - time, place, details of the event - and what went on before and after. It is not enough to say there was this object in the sky unless information about which way it was moving, if it made sound, if it had any colors, smells associated with it. How fast did it move? How did move? What was the shape? Where exactly was the event or the object? To consider these stories in the wider context of events there has to be enough to locate where the event happened, what the weather was like, time of day, movements, and all the rest. So those are needed in any report. What time did it happen and when did it end? Every detail of the event is valuable in getting a picture of the experience."

Author Marilyn A. Hudson is ready to get her kicks on Route 66 - on the road or in the skies.