


 A lot of the data online about Bigfoot or Sasquatch remains extremely basic: place, date, and narrative account of brief sightings of the illusive creature.  This dearth of real and intentional data allows the topic to remain at the sidelines. 

In my research for my books on UFOs, I also found that there is a strong emphasis on "Look, up in the sky!" Less emphasis on teaching people to be observant and record specific and crucial elements (where the sighting took place, the direction witness was looking, comparing sizes with known objects in the area, weather conditions, etc.)

That in mind, let me offer the following as a checklist of valuable details to collect, when a person sees something strange.  The items are tied to specific factors that will help determine if the person saw a bear or other normal forest dweller or something truly unique.                                                                         

Things to Observe

Y or N

Notes (add details here)

Shape of skull: Rounded top



Shape of skull: Crested top



Standing upright on two legs



Forehead: Visible



Forehead: Hairy



Forehead: Heavy brow or ridge



Nose: Wide and flat



Nose: Narrow and protruding



Mouth: Wide and thin lipped



Mouth: Wide and thick lipped



Teeth: Large, human-like teeth



Teeth: Prominent fangs



Jaw: Heavy, squared, hairy



Jaw: Narrow, pointed, flesh showing



Shoulders: Wide and hairy



Shoulders: Narrow and muscled



Shoulders: Hunched/Stooped



Arms: Hairy and falling closer to the knee level area



Arms: Hairy and falling to groin area



Chest: Hairy with no flesh showing



Chest: Hairy but with flesh showing



Hands: Human-like (5 fingers +thumb)



Hands: Large, prominent thumbs



Legs: Long and hairy (giving ht.)



Legs: Short and hairy (decreasing ht.)



Feet: Large and hair covered



Feet: Human-sized with flesh



Side view of head: Flat face (human-like)



Side view of head: Protruding nose/snout



Ears: Visible and set on sides of head



Ears: Visible and set toward top of head



Ears: Not visible



Eyes: Deep-set, below brow, and dark in color. Space about width of the nose or mouth.



Eyes: Farther apart (toward sides of nose line) placing them more to the sides of the head. Color dark.














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