The live interview from 28 June 20246/29/24
Today, a search on the internet for significant cases for the year usually brings up only one case.
Learn what was really being reported and seen in the skies around the globe....
New Story Collection Available: Scream in the Night - True tales of encounters with Bigfoot

Bigfoot In A Box
At one point in the late 1950's and early 1960's a carnival sideshow claimed a frozen young bigfoot creature. Crowds silently shuffled past the ice encrusted and frozen creature - forever caught in a twisted posture - as if warding off the demise that surely caught him.
Noted zoologists Ivan Saunderson was able - with assistants - to study the creature in the case. Detailed drawings, the best measurements capable in the setting and a photo or two were taken. He produced the first ever scientific study of an alleged creature. The findings were - unique - details were very specific for someone conducting a sideshow hoax. His conclusions , although tempered by the lack of real access to the remains (an autopsy or necropsy) and the questions the very existence of such a reality might present, did note that it laid open the path for his scientific fellows to consider the real possibility of an undiscovered hominid in the forests of the northwest.
As with all good stories - the ultimate end to this creature is clouded in mystery. It is known that the "real" or first frozen exhibit was replaced soon by a replica. A sideshow magic trick of staying one step ahead of legal steps regarding handling a dead body? The issue of a hoax being found out?2/1/24
It Was Just A Bear! A standard explanation for alleged Bigfoot Sightings
From the early reports in newspapers to - today - bears are offered as a probable explanation for many reported Bigfoot type sightings. Is that correct? How similar - and how different - are the upright walking creatures?
These images - unknown sources - reveal some common features of the rare occasions when bears stand or walk upright.
- The shape and visibility of the ears
- The profile of the bear (protruding snout)
- The stubby bearing of the arms
- The short distance from ground to groin and the resultant short legs
- Note the hunched or arched neck and the forward thrust of the head
- Note the snout when seen facing forward appears more triangular
This image - again source unknown - reveals what a great ape looks like walking upright. This gorilla is a great picture of confidence.Things to Notice:
- The visible crest on the skull
- The low center of gravity
- The protruding abdomen (a beer gut) and buttocks
- The hairy/pelted arms
- The short legs (and usually thick)
- A side profile shows a pronounced jutting outward of jaw line and ridge over eyes
A lot of the data online about Bigfoot or Sasquatch remains extremely basic: place, date, and narrative account of brief sightings of the illusive creature. This dearth of real and intentional data allows the topic to remain at the sidelines.
In my research for my books on UFOs, I also found that there is a strong emphasis on "Look, up in the sky!" Less emphasis on teaching people to be observant and record specific and crucial elements (where the sighting took place, the direction witness was looking, comparing sizes with known objects in the area, weather conditions, etc.)
That in mind, let me offer the following as a checklist of valuable details to collect, when a person sees something strange. The items are tied to specific factors that will help determine if the person saw a bear or other normal forest dweller or something truly unique.
Things to
Observe |
Y or N |
Notes (add
details here) |
Shape of skull: Rounded top |
Shape of skull: Crested top |
Standing upright on two legs |
Forehead: Visible |
Forehead: Hairy |
Forehead: Heavy brow or ridge |
Nose: Wide and flat |
Nose: Narrow and protruding |
Mouth: Wide and thin lipped |
Mouth: Wide and thick lipped |
Teeth: Large, human-like teeth |
Teeth: Prominent fangs |
Jaw: Heavy, squared, hairy |
Jaw: Narrow, pointed, flesh showing |
Shoulders: Wide and hairy |
Shoulders: Narrow and muscled |
Shoulders: Hunched/Stooped |
Arms: Hairy and falling closer to the knee level
area |
Arms: Hairy and falling to groin area |
Chest: Hairy with no flesh showing |
Chest: Hairy but with flesh showing |
Hands: Human-like (5 fingers +thumb) |
Hands: Large, prominent thumbs |
Legs: Long and hairy (giving ht.) |
Legs: Short and hairy (decreasing ht.) |
Feet: Large and hair covered |
Feet: Human-sized with flesh |
Side view of head: Flat face (human-like) |
Side view of head: Protruding nose/snout |
Ears: Visible and set on sides of head |
Ears: Visible and set toward top of head |
Ears: Not visible |
Eyes: Deep-set, below brow, and
dark in color. Space about width of the nose or mouth. |
Eyes: Farther apart (toward sides
of nose line) placing them more to the sides of the head. Color dark. |
Screams in the Night!: Bigfoot and similar mysteries
Imagine the total darkness of deep night, the silence of slumber is shattered by the sound of a horrific moaning or screaming. The sound is shrill, high pitched, and sounds like a woman crying out or jabbering in excited terror.
Ghosts, bloodsucking creature of the doomed, monsters, Bigfoot or the ill-defined but prevalent "Skinwalkers" of Native American lore. and beliefs.
Video and audio collections online are filled with captures of bizarre sounds. Many, however, do have a basis in something real, breathing and physical.
Cougars, bobcats, panthers, and coyotes can all create howls and cries that fill that bill. Coyotes are often depicted with their mournful yipping cry. Sounds and their purposes vary. A call out to see "is anyone there?" to "want to hook up?" and to other communication purposes. Sometimes, it is a basic statement that the creature is out, and others beware.
A common feature of all these animals, and the cries of racoons, foxes, and others, is shrillness. Even the cougar starts out with a low rough growl, but the pitch rises, and the shrillness of the hissing housecat comes through.
In comparison, however, many of the available audio samples of alleged Bigfoot calls or cries seem to fall within a lower range. A search for studies of the audio qualities of Bigfoot calls compared to other animals came up empty. They may have been done but were not easily available but here is one...
It is clear some significant research is needed to expand this aspect of studies into this cryptid. Right now a lot of focus is on merely mapping reports and revealing grainy photos of a "something" (real, mistaken identity or hoax).
One of the ongoing mysteries is the concept of the Bigfoot (or similar names) that might exist in remote regions, use waterways to migrate, and plays a mean game of hide-and-seek.
I am intrigued by the way perceptions of this creature have changed and continue to change. Peaceful beast of the forests and hills, ill-tempered monster, and peeping tom with a bad attitude. His descriptions fluctuate as well. If one went by the illustrations and AI images the creature is part werewolf, part lion and part giant monster.
This array of details also paints a picture of an animal ranging from a hairy man to an upright gorilla like creature. Depictions come seldom from a study of eye witness accounts but more from an active imagination.
A random survey of eyewitnesses who were willing to share details with me resulted in some characteristics of note.
First, let's look at the skull of a gorilla and see its markers. The gorilla has a "crest" created by the bone formation of the upper skull. It has broad, defined brow ridge, high check bones, a wide nasal cavity and two outer downward protruding "fangs" and two small upward fangs and central broad teeth. All of these features will determine how the muscles, fat and flesh will look once added.Now look at a human skull. The more rounded skull cap, the smaller nasal cavity, the smaller check bones and the smaller and more numerous teeth. Again, all of these factors will influence the end result once muscle, fat, flesh are added.
- EYES - were more almond shaped, large, and deep set.
- NOSE- bridge was narrow, with wide, squatty type nostrils, and a scooped inward appearance.
- CHEEK- bones were defined.
- SKULL- was rounded with less of a crest. The brow line and forehead were covered in hair - not fur. No hair under eyes, around nose but forehead was hairy. MOUTH - There was NO simian look to the mouth (protruding teeth and jaw such as in a chimpanzee). The mouth was wide, with thin lips.
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